Friday, January 4, 2013

The First Annual Strictly Nutritious Superlatives!

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Alas, I have no guest contributor today. Now normally this would make me sweat bullets because I like consistency, but this New Year I'm trying to embrace the concept of 'balance', something I've always struggled with in my own life. New York City is truly a crazy urban jungle (as my brother fondly calls it), and it's really easy to lose perspective.

Today I thought we'd start a new tradition - The First Annual Strictly Nutritious Superlatives! On any given day, I spend a lot of time perusing the internet for inspiration to provide you with tasty recipes, new ideas, lifestyle tips, etc., and now (drumroll please) I'd like to share some of my favorite blogs in hopes that they will help you kick start your New Year!

So here we go! 

P.S. Because I am extremely indecisive, there are two winners for each category!


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I just happened to stumble upon My New Roots a few months ago. Sarah Britton does an excellent job of making healthy eating look and taste delicious! Her amazing recipes come packaged with beautiful pictures! Check it out, you'll see what I mean!

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I feel like I know Sara and Hugh Forte, the lovely couple who paired up to create Sprouted Kitchen, even though we've never met. Their beautiful blog pulls you in, gives you a glimpse into their lives and leaves your stomach thin and happy. So you can only imagine my delight when I saw their new book The Sprouted Kitchen in my local bookstore! I felt like a proud mama hen! Way to go, guys!


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Ah, the lovely Jordan Reid. Making glamour look so damn easy! After following her blog for the last few months, I have determined to be more glamorous this year. I wore a dress to work yesterday (see? progress!). Jordan shares fashion tips, decorating ideas, tasty recipes and even a bit of her enchanted life! Girl crush? I think so!

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I just happened upon this gem of a site this week actually and already it's stolen my heart! Heather Crosby, a T. Colin Campbell Foundation Certified Plant-Based Nutrition Coach, has created a site that makes eating a plant-based diet so much easier! From recipes to lifestyle tips, YumUniverse can jump start your diet and lifestyle transformation! The site even offers a membership that provides you with additional tools for healthy living! If you're dairy-free, gluten-free or raw, look no further!


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Sarah Kagan is my sister-from-another-mother. We met through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and (lucky me!) she's my neighbor! We've quickly become friends, and I'd be crazy if I didn't share her new blog with you! Sarah is a natural in the kitchen and her step-by-step recipes on Beyond the Batter make cooking easy for just about anyone! And if you're looking for a creative new baking splurge, Sarah's got you covered! Spicy caramel popcorn?!? Yes, please!

You've read her article on my blog, you've seen her beautiful face  in my pictures, and now you can check out her very own amazing blog Harlem Food Local! Arionna Shannon-DiPietro is my best friend in the city AND my inspiration in the kitchen. She just makes it look so easy! Ari is Sicilian, and honestly, who better than the Italians to teach us all a thing or two about cooking? Follow Ari's journey as she eats (and blogs) her way through uptown Manhattan's ever-evolving food scene, plus shows you how to make some amazing dishes in her own kitchen!


  1. Thanks so much for the feature, Lauren! What a great post, you put me in some good company :) Happy, Healthy New Year.

    1. Heather, your site is my new guilty pleasure! I'm happy to share it! I usually have guest contributors write for me on Fridays... if you'd be interested, drop me an email! --
