Friday, February 15, 2013

Operation Snail Mail: Help Me Spread the LOVE!

Operation Snail Mail

Surprise! I'm the guest blogger this week! You wouldn't want me giving up this spot when I have something really awesome to tell you, now would you? As you know, this month has been all about the L-O-V-E on my blog, and before February comes to a close, I wanted to do something extra special for the world and I need your help!

Pretty please with a cherry on top?!

Our world desperately needs love. We've reached a point where it's all too common to turn on the TV and hear about another shooting. I can barely read the news anymore for fear of hearing about all the horrible things people are doing to each other. I've lost a lot of faith in humanity, and I don't want to feel this way! So I've created... drumroll please... Operation Snail Mail!

Everyone loves getting snail mail (well, when it's not the utility bills...obviously), and we all know people who could use a little note of encouragement. So here's what we're going to do... if you'd like to be a part of Operation Snail Mail, drop me an email through my 'Contact Me!' page with 'Operation Snail Mail' in the subject line. In your message, tell me about a person in your life who needs some TLC. I'll need their full name, address and a quick explanation of why they need a note of encouragement. I'll be taking your submissions through the end of the day next Friday, Feb. 22nd.

At that point, I'll send you an email with the information for a person you don't know who needs some snail mail love. I'll also include an explanation of the project that you can print and include in your letter.

Then... the rest is up to you! Get out a pen and paper, write something nice, put it in the mailbox and let the US Postal Service take it from there!

Giving doesn't have to come in the form of a monetary donation or a time-consuming volunteer job. Operation Snail Mail will take less than 5 minutes of your time but it's sure to bring lots of joy to a stranger's day!

Sometimes we all need to be reminded that we are loved and that the world is a good place.

Will you join me?

P.S. You can go one step further by sharing this post on Facebook or Twitter! Thank you, lovely readers!


  1. GREAT idea! I think we all know someone in need of some extra love. I'm in!
